Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lets clear up the air...

In case you haven’t heard, genocide is occurring in Australia.

Oh, I’m sorry did I say that word again. “GENOCIDE”
Yes; that’s right genocide, a small word with big implications.

Typical Australian:
“Its not my fault that my Government is committing a hideous crime.” // Yes it is.
“I’m doing the best I can to effect change.” // Change for who?

Perhaps one of the greatest obstacles to ending genocide is the illusion that the mainstream community needs to be mobilized to effect change, and gradually with incremental steps we will reach a just Utopia. We must provide answers and alternatives for people to embrace.
:// Ahemm…Bullshit!

There is only one answer and alternative to genocide and that’s no genocide.

Pandering to a racist media in the hope that a racist population will put pressure on a racist government is about as effective drinking your own urine to survive drought.

There is an invasion going on in this country where Indigenous communities are being forced to sign over mining and land rights to a fascist government under the duress of genocide.

Genocide effects everyone, there can't be true peace without freedom, there cant be freedom without justice and justice can never thrive under genocide.
Quite simply you are fighting to end genocide or you are committing it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I still call australia home. //hist/lesson/1

Crack a tinnie. Turn off the tube for a minute. Get a pen out and take some notes.

Extra Marks if you guess the sample from another sorry Aussie legend
Insert commercial here.

Study this hard, be prepared for the principles revision.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


The APEC summits of 2007 heralded nothing new to the Indigenous population of Australia. Millions of dollars stolen from Aboriginal Land resources, and spent on fanfare (igniting a 300% spike in income for Sydney's Sex industry) so war criminals can sure up the theft of uranium from Sacred land and no recognition of Traditional Sovereignty.

Although largely unnoticed during APEC, the voice of Aboriginal Australian resistance was sung out across country by indigenous and non-indigenous activists. A Tent embassy was set up in Victoria park at Sydney University, in Melbourne peace fires were lit out side prominent Government buildings, in South Australia the walk for peace marched on, in the out back the struggle to keep Uranium driven Army and Police Troops off Aboriginal land continues, on the Burrup peninsula activists attempt to save ancient rock art from corporate hands, in Tasmania and Victoria blockades were entrenched to protect ancient rain forests from tumbling, throughout the country health workers tire trying to keep up with the increasing disparity in life expectancy between Indigenous and non Indigenous people and so on and so on.

APEC went home when the last champagne was drunk, while the business of the Australian Government to prolong 237 years of Genocide went on as usual.

We have survived.


Where was your Secret Agent husband @ APEC?

Move on! nothing to see here.

Central intelligence assholes can fly 300 Prostitutes from around Australia, but they cant find Osama bin laden.

All this Genocide and no water to wash it down with.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

White Dog released for Sept 11.

Buy that special some one that special gift, and brighten up there S11.

White Dog was re-released today.

Deemed too controversial 25 years ago when it was made and never released in America (of course that means Australia too). Its about a white German Shepard trained to kill black skin. It was homogenized and re-edited so that the dog was multicultural and killed all colours, then released to Australian TV as a thriller.

Today the original cut has been released on DVD

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"Do it for your country." Says DR Green thumb

Those Canadians know what they are fighting for.

Sign me up for the invasion of Columbia.

Your Black History

Just ask Grandpa.

Protect your self from the Background Humm

Watch this 12 times.
And if your still racist, just shoot yourself.

Your TV is trying to tell you something.

Did you notice that everything on TV is trying to bore you to death,
or are you so hooked on the monotony.
TV is.
Fucking racist.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The value of LOVE

It’s the whiteness in you..
It’s the whiteness that’s true…
It smells like poo..
Lalala lala.
What can I do…..
Its so blue…
La.. la.. la……….

It lays in your bed…
And plays… in your.. head.
Your better off Wed…
Lalala lala.
The cakes all Red..........

Distracted by the sheen.
Dictated by the Gene.
Berated bye the machine.
Friend from Teen.
Lalala.l lala. Lalalalalalala.