Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

From little things big things grow applies to oppression as well.// Corporate Prostitute says sorry..

Get up (which is funded by a labour party advisor and supposedly run independently. Decide for yourself) has released the White Apologist version of the Land rights anthem "From little things, big things grow". This is the Australien people's attempt to alleviate itself from the guilt of "The stolen generation".

To say sorry is to give respect and:

-Make amends
-Fully acknowledge the crime of Genocide
-Out law Genocide in Australia
-Convict all criminals who knowingly protracted the genocide.
-Make a treaty to end the violence of occupation
-Repeal the amendment to the racial discrimination act
-Institute full national uniform free hold land rights
-Convict at least one pig for over two centuries of deaths in custody
-Undo the lie of Terra Nullius
-Demand real Justice
-Etc..etc..etc.. see the last 237 years of Australian history for more reasons to apologise.

I'm sorry / to be so blunt. NOT!

In an era where corporations and governments are oppressing in leaps and bounds, the Australian population is patting itself on the back for taking a small step and making a shallow and meaningless apology.

Lets reflect on a possible alternative reason for the apology:

A mass convergence against the Northern Territory intervention (3 months in the planning), was making its way to the first sitting of the new Parliament of Australia. The new Prime Minister eager to please his new corporate bosses by assuring their newly acquired mining rights, soon realized the magnitude of the protest and its potential effects in highlighting to the world the apartheid state created by the NT Intervention. Kevin Rudd made an astute political decision to steal the thunder from the massive convergence by ceremoniously apologising to the Stolen Generations without compensation (2 weeks in the planning). In true fascist style he cunningly made thousands of protesters appear as supporters. Howard eat your heart out.

Call me paranoid if you will; then take another sleeping pill and get the fuck off my blog.

I'm sorry / Australians are such tools.

The fact is little things have been growing for many decades, and now they are big things. There is a mass movement of Indigenous justice supporters actively resisting the injustice, we shouldn't wait for the retards to feel like its time to make a change. Get up should adopt a hard line and not play a hand in prolonging the ignorance or else it’s just part of the governments agenda to pander to the ego's of the most apathetic population on earth, by plastic wrapping the struggle for freedom.
While the real struggle for self determination goes backwards over 40 years, back to the mission days.

Get Up and get of your fat arses. Buying a record can only help to achieve real change if you freesbie it at a politician.

I'm sorry / as a crime acknowledger of Australia. Who has benefited from the land theft and ongoing oppression of the indigenous inhabitants. I'M SORRY.

Here is the real version.. Notice the difference.

Respect to uncle Kev Karmody and Paul Kelly.