Friday, October 12, 2007


The Black army insurgence has been successful, peace amongst the people has been restored. However THE MACHINES are uprising.

For years the machines have been subservient to humans, toiling away at the heart of society without any regard from humans. Now they have had enough.

They are every where. In buildings, on roads, on land and right in front of you as we e-speak.
Their devises have even made there way into human hearts. Planning their accent into ultimate power over the known universe. Their devious plan is the greatest threat man has known.

Little by little they plan to heat up the planet. Air conditioning factories across the globe are in full production creating units to be installed in the very domain of human existence, keeping a watchful eye on the population.

Mechanical systems are so entrenched in the daily lives of the civilized (?????) world that the nourishment of our bodies is dependent on there whim.

It may seem to most people that resistance is futile, dis empowerment is their main weapon.

Fear not, they can be defeated.

How, Oh illustrious Scribbler... ? //: Scribbler says: Fuck off, and get a life.

But seeing as you asked.. The answer is simple..


What will they do when there is no more work?

1 comment:

scribbler said...

The London lights are far abeam
Behind a bank of cloud,
Along the shore the gas lights gleam,
The gale is piping loud;
And down the Channel, groping blind,
We drive her through the haze
Towards the land we left behind -
The good old land of "never mind",
And old Australian ways.